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Sea Quest Series 7 and 8 Collection Adam Blade 8 Books Box Set (Book 25-32)

Original price was: $124.99.Current price is: $62.50.

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SKU: BF121744560580 Category:


Condition: BRAND NEW
Format: Paperback

Loosejaw the Nightmare FishMax and Lia’s underwater adventures continue, as a terrifying new set of Robobeasts is unleashed in the oceans of Planet Nemos. Can our heroes defeat their enemies and restore the aquatic worlds to safety?
Shelka the Mighty FortressMax and Lia’s underwater adventures continue, as a terrifying new set of Robobeasts is unleashed in the oceans of Planet Nemos. Can our heroes defeat their enemies and restore the aquatic worlds to safety?
Fangor the Crunching GiantMax and Lia’s underwater adventures continue, as a terrifying new set of Robobeasts is unleashed in the oceans of Planet Nemos. Can our heroes defeat their enemies and restore the aquatic worlds to safety?
Gort the Deadly SnatcherMax and Lia’s underwater adventures continue, as a terrifying new set of Robobeasts is unleashed in the oceans of Planet Nemos. Can our heroes defeat their enemies and restore the aquatic worlds to safety? There are four thrilling books to collect in this series!
Blistra the Sea DragonMax won’t stop until the crazed computer is defeated, and he gets the final element to save Aquora. But Iris still has her most powerful Robobeast . . . Blistra the Sea Dragon.
Mirroc the Goblin SharkMax and Lia must find the third element to power Aquora – but with a Robobeast that can turn invisible, this might be their toughest challenge yet…
Glendor the Stealthy ShadowBut Glendor the Stealthy Shadow isn’t the only danger. Can Max and Lia defeat the beast and find the next element to power Aquora, before Rivet becomes scrap metal
Veloth the Vampire SquidCan Max and Lia defeat Veloth the Vampire Squid, and return the four elements that power Aquora before the whole city dies of thirst?
9781408340950 9781408340936 9781408340998 9781408340905 9781408340707 9781408340684 9781408340660 9781408340660


Veloth the Vampire Squid,
Glendor the Stealthy Shadow,
Mirroc the Goblin Shark,
Blistra the Sea Dragon,
Gort the Deadly Snatcher,
Fangor the Crunching Giant,
Shelka the Mighty Fortress,
Loosejaw the Nightmare Fish




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